A dark, witty musical of love, murder and revenge set against the backdrop of 19th century London. In this infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns home seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and destroyed his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, and they partner together with bloody, comic and shocking results! Featuring some of the most dramatic and chilling music ever written for the stage, this masterpiece is sure both to thrill and delight audiences.
Stephen Sondheim’s tasty, thrilling, theatrical treat has simultaneously shocked, awed and delighted audiences becoming a worldwide success since winning eight Tonys, including “Best Musical.”
Single tickets for this event range from $20-$46 including fees ($42 fees orchestra aisle; $39 fees orchestra; $36 fees lower balcony; $18 fees student; $16 fees balcony; Tibbits member/group/student/season ticket discounts available). Doors will open one hour prior to showtime and seating will begin 30 minutes prior to showtime. Late seating will be in the balcony. No outside food or drink allowed in the theatre. Runtime is approximately two hours and 45 minutes. This show is rated PG-13: mature themes & stage-violence/imagery