During the Christmas season, the small British town of Little Haven is torn apart by a viral outbreak that turns its citizens into blood-thirsty zombies. In this genre mashup, Anna Shepard and her friends are quickly thrown into a fight for their lives as they try to save as many of their friends and loved ones as they can. Of course the action is interspersed with energetic pop songs. According to reviewer Roger Ebert, “It’s one of those rare horror movies to leave you with good holiday cheer.”
Rated R for graphic violence, running time is 1 hour 32 minutes
No tickets are needed for this event. Admission to theĀ film series is FREE; donations are accepted. Concessions, including a cash bar, will be available for purchase at our Ghost Light Bar. The theatre will open 30 minutes prior to showtime with concessions and seating beginning at that time as well.
Please help keep our community healthy. If you are ill or experiencing any symptoms, please DO NOT attend this screening.